The input and output radix must be integers or rational numbers expressed using fraction or radix point notation. They must be greater than 0, not 1, and less than or equal to the number of characters in the character order.

Bases less than 1 are processed as ther reciprocal, and their digits are reorganized to account for it.

Valid bases include: 3/2, 8.1, 3.141592, 1/8, 7/3, or 16. Invalid bases include: 1, 26/26, or -2.

The input supports converting any integer or fractional number with a radix greater than 1. There are 64 default characters with values following this order: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+/

For example, base8 (octal) uses the first 8 characters: 0-7, base16 (hexadecimal) uses 0-f, base24 uses 0-n, base60 uses 0-X, and base64 uses 0-/.

Fractional bases use up to the closest lesser integer. For example, base3/2 uses 0-1, base5.25 uses 0-5, base101/10 uses 0-a, and so on.

Fractional bases between 1/2 and 2 can have multiple ways to represent a single number. The output will always prioritize the largest possible digits. E.g. 10.11 from base3/2 to base3/2 returns 100.00100010... which is equivalent.

The default digit precision is 100. It multiplies numbers by 10 to the power of itself, then performing operations using integers. It affects both the input number and radix calculations.

A small digit precision may lead to unexpected errors with fractional bases, such as base4/3, base22/7, or base5.222222222.

Setting custom character values applies to all fields. It must include at least 2 characters, (any characters beyond the chosen radix are ignored), and all characters must be unique. The default max radix value of 64 will automatically change as you enter custom characters.

Nearly all characters are supported, including all Unicode characters. Exceptions are: the radix point character (if set), and the unique behavior of the negative sign (if set).

The default character of the radix point is . (Full stop). A custom radix point character can be anything which doesn't conflict with existing digit characters.

When no radix point character is set, all characters are treated as integer digits. With the exception of the optional negative sign.

The default character for the negative sign is - (Hyphen). A custom negative sign character can be anything except for the character of the zero digit.

The negative sign character is always treated as a negative sign when appearing at the start of the number. If a number begins with a digit of the same character, prepending a zero character will treat it as positive. The output will do this automatically.

When no negative sign character is set, all numbers are treated as positive.

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