Website Content

Website details


All section titles link to their parent section, back up to the table of contents.


Webpage types

Fancy - Has additional features or content.Full - The default version of the webpage.Small - Has a reduced amount of content.Minimum - Has only the necessary content.

Persistent data

Pages using persistent data will automatically save text and input states after user input. Data will be synced between open pages whenever there's a change. Some pages support data instances, which allow switching between them to store persistent data separately.Data instances create multiple copies of local storage items for each page. They're numbered from 1 by default, but can have a unique name to indicate any special behaviors. They can be renamed by double clicking or pressing enter any of the labels, then entering the new names. Save the new names by moving focus, double clicking, or pressing enter again.

Action menu

The action menu is present on all pages using JavaScript, and is opened using Alt` or 5 consecutive taps. It lists available actions on the current page and their keyboard shortcuts.Pages with persistent data allow changing the page title, importing and exporting persistent data, and clearing local storage data within the instance, page, or entire domain.



(Fancy) NotesA customizable notes page with many font and style options.
19.09 KiB,

(Full) NotesA simple notes page with some style options.
1.16 KiB,

(Minimum) NotesA very basic notes page with a large area to write plain text.
348 B,

(Minimum) Dark notesA very basic notes page with a large area to write plain text, using a dark color scheme.Default colors are replaced by themed subdomains.
348 B,

Persistent notes (JavaScript)

(Fancy) Persistent notesA customizable notes page with many font and style options.Saves data to local storage. Uses multiple instances to save data.
19.38 KiB,

(Full) Persistent notesA simple notes page with some style options.Saves data to local storage. Uses multiple instances to save data.
1.42 KiB,

(Minimum) Persistent notesA very basic notes page with a large area to write plain text.Saves data to local storage. Shares local storage with the "(Minimum) Dark persistent notes" page.
459 B,

(Minimum) Dark persistent notesA very basic notes page with a large area to write plain text, using a dark color theme.Default colors are replaced by themed subdomains. Saves data to local storage. Shares local storage with the "(Minimum) Persistent notes" page.
459 B,

Calculator (JavaScript)

CalculatorA basic scientific/graphing calculator capable of solving long expressions with most common math operations. Graphing mode supports multiple expressions and includes some customizable settings.Lacks precision with very large and small numbers, as well as some decimals. Saves data to local storage. Only persists graphing settings.
125.39 KiB,

Base converter (JavaScript)

Base converterConverts integer and fractional numbers between any rational bases (except 0 or 1) up to base64 (or larger if specified) with arbitrary precision. Allows specifying custom character values, and bases can be expressed in fraction or radix point notation.
26.93 KiB,

Sandbox (JavaScript)

SandboxA 2D physics sandbox with various materials and properties. Simulates gravity, fluid movement, and temperature.
36.53 KiB,

Math markup (JavaScript)

Math markupAllows creating mathematical expressions and equations using HTML, then parsing or evaluating them as strings with JS.
8.42 KiB, 2025-03-19

Random string (JavaScript)

Random stringGenerates a random string of text with specific characters from pre-made and/or custom categories.
3.3 KiB,

Large ASCII text (JavaScript)

Large ASCII textCreates a larger version of an ASCII string by using an ASCII drawing of each character.
19.24 KiB, 2025-03-08

Color picker (JavaScript)

Color pickerColor picker for CSS color spaces, with color mixing and optional hue interpolation methods. Available color spaces include: sRGB, Display P3, Rec. 2020, HSL, HWB, Lab, Oklab, LCh, OKLCh, XYZ, and more.
12.09 KiB, 2025-03-03


(Full) DrawingA 64px dichromatic canvas with a few color options for drawing pixel art. Has a few options for background and grid colors.
Not found, Not

(Small) DrawingA 32px dichromatic canvas with a few color options for drawing pixel art. Has a few options for background and grid colors.
Not found, Not found

Drawing 2

(Full) Drawing 2An experimental 48px canvas with 3-level RGB for drawing pixel art. Has some background and grid options.Can have intensive resource usage, especially on Chromium-based browsers.
Not found, Not

(Small) Drawing 2An experimental 24px canvas with 3-level RGB for drawing pixel art. Has some background and grid options.Can have intensive resource usage, especially on Chromium-based browsers.
Not found, Not found

Drawing 3 (JavaScript)

Drawing 3A 64px canvas with 6-bit RGB and other options for drawing pixel art. Includes keyboard shortcuts for different actions.
169.61 KiB,

Find and replace (JavaScript)

Find and replaceHighlight and replace text in a string using a regular expression with JavaScript RegExp syntax.
12.49 KiB,

Code editor (JavaScript)

Code editorRun HTML, CSS, and JS code in your browser.Saves data to local storage. Uses multiple instances to save data.
7.06 KiB,

Execute JavaScript (JavaScript)

Execute JavaScriptEasily run arbitrary JavaScript in your browser, with an HTML formatted output for objects and literals.
6.38 KiB,

Word counter (JavaScript)

Word counterDisplays simple estimated length metrics of an input string.
2.16 KiB,


Local storage manager (JavaScript)

Local storage managerManages localStorage keys and values within the current domain. Able to view, list, filter, create, delete, and edit key values.
8.22 KiB,

File editor (JavaScript)

File editorLoad, edit, and save plain text files.Saves data to local storage. Uses multiple instances to save data.
2.25 KiB,

Event log (JavaScript)

Event logLogs any JavaScript events which occur on the page.
9.96 KiB,

Character codes (JavaScript)

Character codesDisplays the code of a character or the character of a code.
1.42 KiB, 2025-03-03

Webpage viewport (JavaScript)

Webpage viewportLoads a webpage in a resizable viewport using an inline frame. Incompatible with sites serving the "X-Frame-Options" or "Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors" response headers.
2.87 KiB, 2025-03-08


Plaintext content is served as HTML with a custom style by default. This style is overridden by custom themes.

Informational documents

Linux Cheat Sheet55.7 KiB2024-06-08Text file .txt

HTML Linux Cheat Sheet59.39 KiB2024-06-08HTML file .html

How Bitcoin Works4.73 KiB2024-12-05Text file .txt

How Bitcoin Works | HTML5.57 KiB2025-01-07HTML file .html

Systemd - Application Autostart Example554 B2024-12-06Text file .txt

Systemd - Minecraft Server Example1.27 KiB2024-12-06Text file .txt

Remove PVE "No valid subscription"535 B2025-01-24Text file .txt

Regex Plain Text and HTML Line Wrapping1.95 KiB2024-12-10Text file .txt

Regex Ellipsis Truncation586 B2024-12-10Text file .txt

Common Unicode Characters2.64 KiB2025-01-24Text file .txt

Types of Averages494 B2024-12-12Text file .txt

List of Periodic Element Names1.01 KiB2024-12-05Text file .txt

List of Periodic Element Symbols339 B2024-12-05Text file .txt

Creative documents

Unicode ASCII Art24.77 KiB2024-12-05Text file .txt

ASCII ASCII Art5.82 KiB2024-12-10Text file .txt

A Small Cup of Tea17 B2024-12-10Text file .txt

A Large Cup of TeaNot foundNot foundText file .txt

A Tremendous Cup of TeaNot foundNot foundText file .txt

Other resources

Debian Minecraft Server Installer/Updater15.34 KiB2024-12-26Shell script .sh

Debian Apache Guacamole Installer11.56 KiB2024-12-05Shell script .sh

One-Line Firefox userChrome.css Theme3.71 KiB2025-01-08Style sheet .css

1:1 Scale Solar System 3D Model1.39 MiB2024-09-13Blender scene .blend

Debian Nginx Web Server or Proxy Setup15.54 KiB2025-03-23Shell script .sh

Quick VPN/SSH Setup on Live USB1.79 KiB2024-12-28Shell script .sh

Website Resources4 KiB2025-03-21File directory

Website Assets4 KiB2025-03-21File directory


cerium.ccThe homepage of, a simple self-hosted website. Contains links and descriptions for all pages and resources.

srcs.ccA short domain used for convenient access to resources such as shell scripts. Interchangable with the subdomain.

dev.cerium.ccClone of the web directory, where live changes and other tests are made. Themes are available at the subdomain.