Webpages (No JavaScript)


Fancy A simple note-taking page with options including a dark theme, margins, and fonts.

Drawing v1

Full A simple 32px canvas for monochromatic pixel art.

Drawing v2 (Resource intensive)

Full Full XHTML A 48px square canvas for drawing pixel art, has 27 colors and multiple options.
Less Less XHTML Uses a 24px canvas.


Informational documents

Linux Cheat Sheet .txt 51.3 KiB download GitHub
How Bitcoin Works .txt 4.7 KiB download

Other documents

ASCII Art .txt 7.2 KiB download

Other resources

My personal Firefox Nightly configuration
--- Information and details .txt 3.2 KiB download
--- Configuration files .tar.xz 21.4 MiB download

Site versions

Full Full XHTML


Fancy With additional features or content.
Full The default version of the website.
Less Reduced amount of code or content.
Minimum (min) Reduced to as little code as possible.
XHTML Uses the XHTML format. (Experimental)