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Table of contents

Website Content

Website details


All section titles link to their parent section, back up to the table of


Webpage types

Fancy - Has additional features or content.

Full - The default version of the webpage.

Small - Has a reduced amount of content.

Minimum - Has only the necessary content.

Persistent data

Pages using persistent data will automatically save text and input states after
user input. Data will be synced between open pages whenever there's a change.
Some pages support data instances, which allow switching between them to store
persistent data separately.

Data instances create multiple copies of local storage items for each page.
They're numbered from 1 by default, but can have a unique name to indicate any
special behaviors. They can be renamed by double clicking or pressing enter any
of the labels, then entering the new names. Save the new names by moving focus,
double clicking, or pressing enter again.

Action menu

The action menu is present on all pages using JavaScript, and is opened using
Alt` or 5 consecutive taps. It lists available actions on the current page and
their keyboard shortcuts.

Pages with persistent data allow changing the page title, importing and
exporting persistent data, and clearing local storage data within the instance,
page, or entire domain.

Homepage variants

HTML+CSS (Default)





(Fancy) Notes
(Full) Notes
(Minimum) Notes
(Minimum) Dark notes

Persistent notes (JavaScript)

(Fancy) Persistent notes
(Full) Persistent notes
(Minimum) Persistent notes
(Minimum) Dark persistent notes

Calculator (JavaScript)


Base converter (JavaScript)

Base converter

Sandbox (JavaScript)


Math markup (JavaScript)

Math markup

Random string (JavaScript)

Random string

Large ASCII text (JavaScript)

Large ASCII text

Color picker (JavaScript)

Color picker


(Full) Drawing
(Small) Drawing

Drawing 2

(Full) Drawing 2
(Small) Drawing 2

Drawing 3 (JavaScript)

Drawing 3

Find and replace (JavaScript)

Find and replace

Code editor (JavaScript)

Code editor

Execute JavaScript (JavaScript)

Execute JavaScript

Word counter (JavaScript)

Word counter


Local storage manager (JavaScript)

Local storage manager

File editor (JavaScript)

File editor

Event log (JavaScript)

Event log

Character codes (JavaScript)

Character codes

Webpage viewport (JavaScript)

Webpage viewport


Plaintext content is served as HTML with a custom style by default. This style
is overridden by custom themes.

Informational documents

Linux Cheat Sheet
HTML Linux Cheat Sheet
How Bitcoin Works
How Bitcoin Works | HTML
Systemd - Application Autostart Example
Systemd - Minecraft Server Example
Remove PVE "No valid subscription"
Regex Plain Text and HTML Line Wrapping
Regex Ellipsis Truncation
Common Unicode Characters
Types of Averages
List of Periodic Element Names
List of Periodic Element Symbols

Creative documents

Unicode ASCII Art
A Small Cup of Tea
A Large Cup of Tea
A Tremendous Cup of Tea

Other resources

Debian Minecraft Server Installer/Updater
Debian Apache Guacamole Installer
One-Line Firefox userChrome.css Theme
1:1 Scale Solar System 3D Model
Debian Nginx Web Server or Proxy Setup
Quick VPN/SSH Setup on Live USB
Website Resources
Website Assets






